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Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Thank you very much stuff! I will take a look
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Sorry but this is just ****ing horrible.

Your Video card don't has enough memory, try to reduce dimensions of textures, (compresed, 16 bits, etc) and/or you resolution screen
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
I want one (or two) cars of each category of any championship in the world that no has LFS at the moment

karts (specially!!!)
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
At the moment I'm using your example of VBOutgauge.... well actually I am using only the code to connection. Your program is in...

The code for connections to Outgauge looks easy, 7 or 8 lines, can you do another for insim? Only I need the code to connect and example receiving 1 packet.

Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
I'm trying your program, but LFS says "InSim : first byte in packet does not match size"

I take a look to code, but it is too complex for me, i don't know what the part of code make connection with LFS
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
have you tested with darwine?
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
How I say... i only know a very little of programing and only in VB, I don't know how to load a DLL

And if I will open that dll i think that I will can't translate in to VB
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
I already had this, but this is not VB, is in .NET and VisualC. I need in VisualBasic
I need a example in VB to connect InSim
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Hi, I'm making an interface for a real gauges, I had connect to Outgauge and received data from. But now I need more packets like Time per Lap, sectors, etc... But my knowledges of programming are few. Anyone can to make me an example in VB connecting to InSim and receiving a packet?

Thanks in advance
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Please, anyone can to put an example to connect to InSim in VisualBasic? I have an example for OutGauge, and I extended this program.. but I don't know how to connect to InSim
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Another problems that I don't remember to post before is the flank of the tire (lateral of the tire, i don't know if the word is correct in english) of the tire is too soft and bends too much on the curve, it should be harder, especially on slicks

I have a shifter kart 125cc 50bhp, and I feel another big difference with LFS. When I have very wear tires in my kart it don't has handle, less handle when more wear, and in LFS when make a long race, 1 hour, with a GTR the fastest laps are in the final of race with a very wear tires because it cool better and can to drive more aggressive.

And other thing commented before in another threads, is that less pressure, less handle and less wear (0.5bar in a kart) more pressure more handle and more wear (1 - 1.5bar), is totally opposite of LFS, but this is in a kart, i don't know how to work in a real car.
Last edited by Napalm Candy, .
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Another collateral problem with this, is an exponential increase in temperature, more heat less handle, less handle more slid, more slid more heat... In RL this has a limit determined by capacity of cool rubber, in LFS has low "capacity" to cool rubber so this limit is too high.

Other question is "normal" or "super" tires are very different than slicks tires. A normal or super tire in RL have the property of work well at low and high temperatures, and slicks only works well in a determined range. Slick model it is not good, but normal or super tire are worst
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :Actually it should be heating faster (spinning tyres should have temperatures shooting up like crazy), cooling down A LOT faster on the tread, a bit slower to transfer the heat to the core (the difference between tread and core is 1-2° C, it should be more detached from one another), but the wear seems reasonable as it is now...

I don't thought this, but it is a good possibility. But, now the core is stable at color green or blue, but if rubber is in orange, tires are too hot to drive at high performance, so the problem is the stability/handle of rubber. Rubber is insulation therefore not allow the transfer of heat/change temperature easily.
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
100º FOV on a triple 19" (3840x1024)

And in the past 65º when using only a monitor (19")
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I always thought the XRT was the Toyota Supra Mk2

it is a mitsubishi starion, no doubt

looks exactly like in LFS, but no sound like
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
I have tried ABS in several RACES in different surfaces, normal tracks and rallies, with different cars, RB4, FXO, XRG and FZ5. My conclusion is like TC, ABS it is not useful in race, it is easy to race without ABS than with ABS, and can be faster without ABS, but for noobs I think that will be easy to use ABS, but you will learn more without any helps.

The conclusion is, XRG with ABS don't make faster than XFG
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
I like the idea, but with an add-on Safety Car. A Car drived by an IA, and a
crane. Animatios with cran and damage car are not important, the important is the thing
Tyre temps, important to solve.
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
I am sure that this topic has spoke other times. But in my opinion is the most necessary to correct, I think that it is primordial to correct this "bug" than add new cars or tracks, or interior of cars. And that is why I open a new topic.

I think that this is the simulator with best physics (yes, I say that after try iRacing and rFactor and all other sims) but have a big problem.

Tyres can't warm up so much, and less in such a short time, with the
aggravating that tyres need in LFS so much time to cool off.

Sometimes we confuse the wear of the wheel with temperature and when we talk about setups usually say things like "These wheels do not last neither 2 turns". So the wear of tyres is ok, some times so much, if you try to drift you will see, after 10 min have tyres at 180ºC but no much wear.

Another problem with this impossible temperatures is the handle, Is correct that a too hot tyre has less grip, but in LFS this is extreme. In the reality, with normal wheels or Slicks, 2 spins are not sufficient to heat in excess the wheels and if it was it would cool in 2 turns.

I think that is the worst problem in LFS physics, and IMO the first need to correct.

Less tyre temperatures, less rise, down faster and more wear.

I hope that this comment is taken as constructive criticism

And... sorry for my bad english
Last edited by Napalm Candy, . Reason : Vocabulary correction
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from Inouva :I say it one more time , is a wasted of time , make another language , already we live with the spanish language in the game , in fact i never use it, I just use the english language in game

It is curious but I think that I will make the same if only exist "Spanish Latino" or something, like I neither want to see movies in this "language".

Sorry for offtopic but, the conclusion is clear, only one "Spanish Latino" traduction can't to encompass all Center and South American countries. And in the same way, the actual traduction in Spanish is perfect understandable for all Spanish spoken contries.

The discuss of T. Miranda it is not true, all other countries has "invented" words in last 500 years, but in Spain too, we don't speak like 500 before, you can se movies based on and listen their Spanish is different.
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
I tried with a new Peugeot Partner, and ABS works in reverse
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
I like this layout, and can to do another (and short) with only the rigth section in the map that you draw

So... +1

All new content are wellcome
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
I have an idea to make a good balanced classes. Make changes on a Test Patch an leave 2 weeks for upload HLs for a 3 or 4 diferent tracks. Preferably large tracks, like Aston Grand Prix, and some short life Fern Bay green. Now the posibility to upload to an unoficial LFSworld, or a LFSworld test patch. I think that people will help with their best hotlaps. You can to compare this laps and make a good balanced TBOs class.

Because now, the faster an easiest is FXO, slower is RB4 but not in rally (is the faster logically), and XRT is hardest to drive and not the faster. But FXO and RB4 have problems with front wheels on race, and XRT no.
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from Warper :Actually there is a very basic difference in lation spanish and castellano:

Latin spanish misses the second person in plural: Vosotros

In some zones inside spain don't use Vosotros, like Cadiz or Canarian Islands. But this is not an argument. "Tu" or "Vosotros" is for use with friends or family, etc. And "Usted" or "Ustedes" is for use with your Boss or an old man/woman, it is the same, but with more respect.

Quote from chanoman315 :Volante = wheel
But some may say, Timon, Manivela etc.

You confuse some words, timón is to control a ship not a car.

And manivela is

You can search in

Timón ... BUS=3&LEMA=tim%C3%B3n ... O_BUS=3&LEMA=manivela

In south of Spain they talk a "dialect" change some words and pronuntiation is very bad but we understand they, and they understand we. What we can to do with? create a new language for LFS?

My opinion is that Spanish is one language with only one dictionary for all, if you or your country changes words, it is not a language, is speak bad a language (how i speak english ).. think it
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :That wheel shit, isnt like that here in mexico, sorry...

Shearch in a dictionary and you will see what name have
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Spanish is Spanish, and only have a Real Academy for all countries that speak spanish.

So, in central and south america changes a few words, sometimes are correct sometimes no...

For example in some countries to tyre call "llanta", and "llanta" is a rim, tyre in spanish is "neumático", is extended on some contries but if you search in an official dictionary you will see that is incorrect.

I think is innecesary another "language" becouse is not another language, I think that have less diferences Castellano with Latino Spanish, than English (from england) with US English.
Last edited by Napalm Candy, . Reason : Ortographi